On-line Pet Peeves
Ads with sound that play automatically over my music or podcast. Since many of these seem to be on news sites, I have started email those sites to complain. I don’t know when it will make a difference but complaining about ads might hit them in the wallet. I have learned where my mute button…
50% solutions
Programs acting buggy all of a sudden? Remember that old stand by, reboot the computer. First close and reopen the wonky program and if things don’t get better, then reboot. It may work 50% of the time. If some part of the computer, like the printer, speakers, mouse, is not working, check all cables. Fully…
2012 Resolutions – nearly new
Here is that time of year again, new resolutions and some old ones that I didn’t get to. Check all UPSs (uninterruptible power supply). Make sure that only the computer and the monitor are plugged into the side that says battery and surge protection. All other things, especially printers, should only be plugged into the…
Alternatives to large emails for getting things there
Emailing many photos and video or audio clips is often limited by your internet service provider (ISP) or even the recipient’s ISP. It is so easy to attach video files to an email, or drag a bunch of photos into a new message. However, the megabytes build up fast. And, your outgoing mail may be…
Exif, or How did you know where I was in that photo?
Recently, my mother sent me one of those news clips about how easy it was to find (read stalk) kids, just from a photo a parent took a smartphone and then posted it on some photo-sharing site. Like all of those news shorts, there was truth and hyperbole wrapped up in this piece she sent.…
Software hiccups, tips to make a difference
Running two antivirus or Internet security programs at the same time may make your computer feel really slow or broken. Although some antivirus installers will force you to uninstall the competition, others won’t. So take the time to uninstall what you currently have before you install the replacement. It can become much harder after the…