Cords and Connections
Portable this, digital that, wireless connections and yet I find that I have to keep track of so many different connecting cables, power adapters and chargers that it feels like I have to have a second bag, apart from my clothes. When going away with your devices, what do you bring? Of course, bring the…
Alternatives to paid software
There are times when you just don’t want to pay retail and for computer software there are often free alternatives to many of the programs you pay for. These are legitimate and often as good or even better in some situations, and this list is focusing just on Windows software this month. So, starting with…
Staying a bit safer and private on the Web
Use temporary credit cards to avoid theft or repeat billing. Most all banks and credit card companies have a way to make a temporary card number, or something like a gift card. Using them will let you avoid a repeat billing you might forget about or risking a high credit limit card if someone gets…
Tips to Keep Your Gear Safe During Electrical Storms
Surge protectors are the way to go, either a good one as part of an Uninterruptible Power Supply, or something for fast clamping. Or, to protect everything you can get a whole house surge protector. Anytime your surge protector trips, you should consider replacing it, even though there is a reset button, the electronics won’t…
iCal upgrade, Epsilon email breach, Facebook
MobileMe iCal upgrade On May 5, 2011, MobileMe will transition to their new Calendar service. If you sync iCal calendars between devices, like two or more computers, iPods, iPads and such, and you wish to continue accessing your calendar at <me.com>, you will have to upgrade your calendars at <me.com>. Apple says all you have…
Keeping it organized, things to think about
With modern large hard drives it is very easy to not keep things neat and organized, sort of like when you first move into a larger house. Folders Make folders to organize all sorts of things, in email and on your desktop. Move them around as you finish a project, putting them back into Documents…