Author: Bill Scobie

  • Playing it safe on public wifi networks

    Public wifi networks are great when they are free, like they now are at Starbucks, but you should practice some basic safety. Most public wifi networks do not use encryption passwords to get on, it makes it easier for the baristas and cashiers who don’t have to troubleshoot why the password isn’t working on your…

  • Facebook and your friends

    It is great fun to use Facebook and yet do you know what they are doing with your information? They recently enhanced their service with “Like” (a part of their Social plugins program) which Facebook is touting as a great way to share even more with your friends However, it also could end up letting…

  • Three fingers to terminate pesky programs

    There are times when a program freezes, either on a Mac or a PC, when nothing seems to work and most people reach for the power button and push it for five or so seconds to turn off the computer (or they will pull the power cord, and the battery if the computer is a…

  • iPad mania

    April 3rd is the day the rest of us may experience what could be either a laptop screen without a keyboard or just an iPhone on steroids. So, what can the iPad really be? Although I am not one of those blessed with time and access to play with one of the prototypes, I did…

  • Passwords, where to keep them

    You have to have passwords on the internet, for email, banking, online purchasing, even those sites that require you to register and sign in just to see more information. Everyone says not to use the same login and password for all those places, but there are very few people who can actually remember all of…

  • Corners of knowledge

    Adobe has fixed some serious security flaws in their PDF Reader, Acrobat Reader, so you should go to and follow the steps to update your Acrobat Reader. While you are there, update Adobe Flash Player also, as it has also been updated with security fixes last fall, is the place for that update.…