Category: Arrgghh
Keeping up with the Jones “The enemy adapts: the state of spam, malware, and phishing scams”
Just as we are supposed to keep our consumer society healthy and flourishing it seems that computer bad stuff is making plenty of money, for someone. And, thinking that a Mac will keep you safe is only going to cover part of staying safe on the Internet, it seems that phishing schemes, those things that look like you have to reconfirm some financial information, are really taking off.…
FBI Issues New Rules For Getting Phone Records
And, I thought our FBI played by the rules. But, it seems that they have, and can, just call the phone company and get the records that they want. Sure, they have a letter “template” to follow, paragraph 2 in 03/19/AR2007031901775.html Yet, the Justice Dept has a different take on what it happening behind…
All Microsoft updates phone home
I have gotten out of the habit of reading those wonderful privacy statements from software vendors, jaded and cynical from their weaseling out of notifying me of changed by placing the burden upon me to view their changes. And, just by agreeing once, I have agreed to any further changes, even if I don’t know…